28 Jun 2014

The end of the Easter term - now it's done except for summer activities which is nevertheless a lot to go.

The Easter term was officially completed yesterday. This term was overall great (with a few exceptional mistakes) in terms of the quality learning I've had with the four electives (Biotech and Pharma, Lean Six Sigma, Behavioural Finance, and New Venture Finance) and two core courses (Microeconomics and Corporate Governance and Ethics), not to mention Leadership in action :-p

The electives are either very practical (Lean Six Sigma / New Venture Finance) or thorough and holistic to the subjects (Biotech and Pharma / Behavioural Finance). The discussions in the Corporate Governance and Ethics were deep enough to stimulate my interest in the field further.

For the MBA programme, my plan for summer is (1) to write up a dissertation of 6,000 words on innovation and corporate governance, and (2) to complete a Lean Six Sigma project with Fitzwilliam Museum Cafe to get the LSS certification of Green Belt for the first week of July.

In addition to these activities, I will continue (3) to work on the entrepreneurial project (H2GO Power) as a member of founders given I will keep staying in the UK for the coming year. Also I've decided (4) to join Summer School programmes at the University of Cambridge on Science Term II (11:00am-12:30pm for 20 July - 2 Aug, and Interdisciplinary Term III (9:00am-3:15pm for 3 Aug - 16 Aug).

In short, what I will do this summer are:
  1. 6000-word Dissertation (MBA);
  2. Lean Six Sigma Project for one week (MBA);
  3. Start-up (Accelerate Cambridge / Imperial College Climate KIC);
  4. Summer school (Science II / Interdisciplinary III)
This summer should be one of the memorable summer, indeed.
Lean Six Sigma project for the Fitzwilliam Museum Courtyard Cafe

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