23 Nov 2011

事業戦略と価値創造の関係/財務危機の基本構造(McKinsey Quarterlyより)

事業戦略と価値創造の関係がMcKinsey Quarterlyに端的にわかりやすくまとまっていたので備忘録的に翻訳しておきます。トップラインの成長(すなわち、市場を創造かある市場のシェアを拡大するということ)、あるいは投下資本に対するリターン率の向上を生じるのが、真によい戦略であり(逆に言えばそれらが戦略の目的変数)、真の意味での競争優位という捉え方はシンプルで参考になります。

The guiding principle of value creation is that companies create value by using capital they raise from investors to generate future cash flows at rates of return exceeding the cost of capital (the rate investors require as payment).The faster companies can increase their revenues and deploy more capital at attractive rates of return, the more value they create. The combination of growth and return on invested capital (ROIC) relative to its cost is what drives value. Companies can sustain strong growth and high returns on invested capital only if they have a well-defined competitive advantage. This is how competitive advantage, the core concept of business strategy, links to the guiding principle of value creation.

In the past 30 years, the world has seen at least six financial crises that arose largely because companies and banks were financing illiquid assets with short-term debt...Equities are highly liquid because they trade on organized exchanges with many buyers and sellers for a relatively small number of securities. In contrast, there are many more debt securities than equities because there are often multiple debt instruments for each company and even more derivatives, many of which are not standardized. The result is a proliferation of small, illiquid credit markets.

Source: Why value value?

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